You came to the

right place to


your drink into a

9 Hour



Burn FAT For Up To 9 Hours!

Simply FOLD, SNAP & SQUEEZE Into Your Favourite Beverage.
Have Fun & Lose Unwanted Belly Fat!

Add To Any Drink

All Natural

Targets Visceral Fat

Stimulant Free




crank up your body’s

fat burning potential

What is Matured Hop Extract? (MHE3™)

Matured Hop Extract is an element derived from the hops plant using a special proprietary extraction process. This process renders an isolated, standardized extract called Matured Hop Extract (MHE).

Our unique MHE3™ formula promotes natural fat-burning in the body by activating Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT), which increases the body’s thermogenic response, targetting white adipose tissue (WAT) known as visceral fat. This all-natural extract has no colour or taste and can be added to any drink. (Water, tea, coffee, juice, soft drinks, even alcohol).

No Harmful Side Effects

MHE3™ (Matured Hop Extract) is different from prescription drugs because it is made from all-natural ingredients. It comes from the hops flower and is used as a dietary or nutritional supplement. It has no observed side effects, does not contain caffeine or any other stimulant, and is gluten-free. MHE3™ (Matured Hop Extract) is safe, effective, and plant derived.

Where Does It Come From?

Matured Hop Extract (MHE) and Mature Hops Bitter Acids (MHBA) have been used for centuries and are widely known to offer many health benefits.

MHE3™ (Matured Hop Extract) is a unique, isolated and standardized extract of hops that has never been used in any form of nutritional supplement. It is significantly more potent, bio-available, and effective than the other forms of MHE’s and MHBA’s known and studied for decades.

The Science

Recently, scientists have developed a way to extract components of hops that may help prevent weight gain and promote fat/weight loss. With their new patent-pending extraction process they have created a proprietary Matured Hop Extract (MHE), called MHE3™. This process makes the active ingredients of the hops extract stronger and potentially more effective at promoting fat-burning, healthy weight management, and supporting the body’s natural functions.

Hear from Medical Professionals

Dr. Ben Bowers
Dr. Phil Carson

What People Are Saying

  WHAT A JOURNEY!!! I have been taking pHix since mid September approximately 8 weeks. Overall measurement down 38.3cm down 4.2 kg. I have been pre-diabetic for the last 18 months with blood tests every 6 months, last blood results 14 days ago came back with normal blood sugar readings. Pre-diabetic GONE!! I have suffered arthritic pain in both my thumbs for the past 2.5 years, to the point where I was unable to hold a pen or do up a button on a shirt. Pain now subsided by 95% and full strength back to my thumbs. Sleep quality is now incredible. It’s only the beginning.
Scott G. AUS

Two and half months into it with days being skipped. Clearly it does what it says. No diet, No exercise, No effort. Pictures don’t lie, can’t believe by behind, omg that’s good. My total Loss is 24.4cm.

Maggie J. AUS

Omg, look at this! Losing cm’s without even trying! 😍 I’m sleeping like a baby, and my lower back pain after surgery has completely gone—I mean GONE!!! 🙌 I absolutely love that this is 100% natural, plant-based, and free from any nasties. Feeling absolutely amazing!

Leanne C. AUS

Just imagine if I’d tried this sooner! For the first time in about 9 years, I spent 7 full hours sleeping last night—it felt amazing! I’m feeling more active, less hungry, and almost pain-free, especially in my upper arm. It’s incredible how much better life feels when your health and sleep improve!

Gail VG. AUS

3 months apart! I’m far less puffy! No restrictive diet! No grueling workouts! Just adding fat-loss (MHE3) drops to my drinks twice a day. I’m stoked! Other benefits: Deeper more restful sleep, Less hot flushes, No heart palpitations or pain, No more joint pain, More energy, Lighter mood, Waking easier. 24.5 cms off my body 4.5 kilos lighter.

Teonie H - AUS

learn more about phix


Third Party Research


These third-party references provided for educational and information purposes only and are note intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding medical a condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something learned with this presentation.